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Adult, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Issues

 Anger Depression Anxiety

Anger.  Is the number one most accepted emotion in the world, especially for men. Growing up men and boys are told, "man up, only sissy's cry."  And if anyone sees you crying, you might be thought of as weak.  It isn't often we are taught having emotions are OK.  Therefore, we cover them up with the most acceptable feeling.  Anger.  

Often, when someone (adult or child)  is chronically angry, they have a lot of other emotions boiling below the surface they aren't sure how to manage.  Often the anger leads to depression, anxiety, or fear.  Together, we can figure out what is causing your anger and help you decide how to manage it. 

Childhood Anger and Mental Health
When a child is handling emotions they are not sure how to manage they often act out.  This can be identified as 'behavior issues' bullying' and 'defiance'.  When you get to the root of the issue the emotion decreases and so does the behavior.  Working with you and your child, we can utilize different methods of therapy to figure out what is going on internally with your child.  Often kids don't have the words but are masters of play and expressing how they feel through their it, art and other creativeness.  I work with a strength based theory and let the child show me their language.  
If someone  you love is struggling so much they have begun harming themselves or making suicidal comments, it is critical to get them help as soon as possible. Do not delay.  I will work with you to see your loved one immediately.  If I am not able to fit them into my schedule,  I will refer you to a trusted colleague for assistance.  You can always call 911 if your loved one has done something that makes you question their safety.


Electronics & Video Game Dependency

Experts estimate that more than 3 million Americans between the ages of 8 and 18 could be suffering from video game dependency. These numbers do not include cell phone and tablet dependency.  
As reported in  “Children, Adolescents, and the Media,” the American Academy of Pediatrics cited these shocking statistics from a Kaiser Family Foundation study in 2010: “The average 8- to 10-year-old spends nearly eight hours a day with a variety of different media, and older children and teenagers spend more than 11 hours per day.” Television, long a popular “babysitter,” remains the dominant medium, but computers, tablets and cellphones are gradually taking over. 
If  you struggle to disconnect your child from any electronic device for any length of time, they maybe be creating a dependency and/or addiction.  If your child spends an excessive amount of time on games or interacting on social media, you might begin to see a decline in their grades, interaction with friends in person, participation in physical activities and an increase in anger, depression and anxiety.  

I can help you find solutions to get them active, improve their mood and participate in life instead of watching it on a screen.

© 2017 by Gelana McCloud

Phone:  309-407-7771      Fax  309-620-8623

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